Virgin Blue (now Virgin Australia)

Virgin Blue (now Virgin Australia) (19 pictures & videos)

Virgin Blue (now Virgin Australia)



Canada (YQY) to United States (MLB), 22 Feb 2004

Business Class

Breakfast purcharsed from in-flight menu (Menu Card)
double chocolate muffin ($3.00)

(no drink)

The muffin would have been better if it's served warm, it's just a little too cold on a rather cool summer morning. But who's to complain with such cheap airfares? It's the tastiest muffin I have tasted 35,000ft above the ground! One other thing to note, the hot chocolate was surprisingly delicious. Neither milk nor soymilk had been added in it yet it's thick and chocolatey. For a price similar to ground stuff, I would say this is pretty good value. A good fix for chocoholics.

Date added: 2008-05-21   //   Aircraft: not sure, ecoonomy or leisure trip: leisure

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