Northwest (now Delta)

Northwest (now Delta) (386 pictures & videos)

Northwest (now Delta)


Wendy N

United States (NFB) to France (JDP), 04 Dec 2003

Business Class

Dinner , Special meal: VLML
Dinner (vegetarian) - penne pasta in a creamy sauce topped with zucchini, packaged roll with margarine, vegan brownie, iceberg lettuce salad


the pasta (without the zucchini) was pretty good! I was surprised. It was nice to not be served an entirely vegan meal when ordering a vegetarian meal. The packaged roll was sad, as expected. The brownie was low-fat and therefore low-taste. Iceberg lettuce - why bother. Really, the main was decent enough to be much better than the vast majority of airline vegetarian meals.

Date added: 2009-11-24   //   Aircraft: Coach

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