Kras Air

Kras Air (9 pictures & videos)

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Kras Air


Slawa (Wjatscheslaw)

Russian Federation (KJA) to Russian Federation (SKX), 03 May 2007

Economy Class

Catering-cold appetizer. Bun black and white bread. 2 slices of sausage and salami slice of ham, a piece of cheese, a sprig of parsley, 2 cornichon, 1/4 boiled eggs, salad from vegetable mixture, the packing of butter "Manor" 10 g . Dessert: a cake from a shortcake dough. + bags of sugar, pepper, salt and refreshing wipe KrasAir.

Soft drinks: Juices, Apple, orange, tomato, soda, Coca-Cola, drinking water. Hot drinks: coffee, tea with lemon or cream. Taken a glass of drinking water without gas and tea with lemon.

Not very rich, but enough to satisfy the hunger for 2-hour flight.

Date added: 2014-03-16   //   Flight #7Б 605   //   Flight: 2:0   //   Aircraft: Tupolev-154M

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